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KU Operations
Supporting minds, creating futures

Coronavirus (COVID-17) information related to the campus environment...

Operations provides the visible and behind-the-scenes services that make possible the University’s academic and research missions. From recruiting and retaining talented faculty and staff to maintaining historic buildings and caring for one of the most beautiful campuses in America, Operations staff are dedicated to serving KU students, faculty, staff and campus visitors.


Operations Business Office
The Business Office provides general oversight for most departments within Operations, including financial oversight, capital project audits and organizational efficiency.
Transportation Services
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Facilities Services
Capitol Federal Hall
Facilities Services maintains an inviting and safe campus environment that supports teaching, learning and research.
Custodial Services
Capitol Federal Hall Interior
Custodial Services works to ensure that KU facilities are clean, safe and healthy environments in which to live, learn and work.
Space Management
Two men walking through building lobby
Space Management works with campus units to ensure buildings and physical spaces support KU’s academic and research missions.
Human Resource Management
Staff collaborating
Human Resource Management provides recruiting, benefits, professional development and other services to support the success of faculty and staff through every stage of their employment.
Institutional Opportunity & Access
Institutional Opportunity and Access (IOA) administers KU equal opportunity and non-discrimination policies and procedures, and encourages a campus climate of respect and understanding.
Center for Sustainability
Chi Omega Fountain
Campus Planning & Sustainability works with campus units to provide healthy and safe learning and working spaces while also leading KU’s efforts to conserve resources and be more sustainable.
Facilities Planning & Development
The Facilities Planning and Development team of architects, engineers, technicians and support staff provides design, construction and safety services for campus buildings and outdoor areas.
Environment, Health & Safety
Person in hardhat and safety vest
Environmental Health & Safety helps protect human health, safety and the environment in a manner that enhances the quality of education, research and public service on our campus.


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Environment, Health & Safety 
Construction Closures
2014-2024 Campus Master Plan

Service Alerts

You can be added to an email list to receive important alerts about incidents or work happening in your building. Send a request to with your:

  • Name
  • Building
  • KU email address

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